Permanent employees are more likely than contractors and temporary workers to receive comprehensive trainings and regular company updates. This “training gap” can have serious consequences, from penalties associated with failing to comply with industry regulations, to severe worker injuries, even death.

Contractors and temporary workers provide flexibility in staffing, help manage workload fluctuations, and bring specialized skills that might not be present in the existing workforce. Despite their importance, many of these individuals often do not receive sufficient training because of their non-normative employment status. Without ongoing training and regular updates from the company, the quality of work, engagement, and integration within the broader team becomes jeopardized.

Contractors and Temporary Workers Have Higher Risk…

All workers at a job site (including temporary or contract employees) need to have training and follow OSHA guidelines. In fact, OSHA mandates that host employers provide temporary workers training that is identical to or equivalent to that given to permanent employees performing the same or similar work. Despite this, studies have found that few employers understand the OSHA Temporary Workers’ Initiative (TWI). Temporary workers are much less likely to receive sufficient OSHA training, placing them at a higher risk of being injured on the job compared to permanent workers.

…And Can Be A Greater Risk to Others

Temporary or contract workers often do not receive a high caliber of training, yet they work alongside permanent employees who do. Consequently, each may have different views of safety and standard operating procedures for their job and, as a result, won’t work as safely and efficiently together as if they had all received the same training.

When training is minimal or non-existant, the risk of accident and injury increases dramatically. A worker without proper training is far more likely to make serious errors, putting everyone at risk. Full-time employees are put at a greater risk than they would be working alone. Temporary or contract workers may not fully grasp or even be aware of crucial protocols or safety procedures, creating inadvertent hazards to all employees. Insufficient training can also lead to:

    • Regulatory Infractions:

      Legal repercussions and financial penalties for the company, including fines, sanctions or damage to the company’s reputation.

    • Weakened Organizational Culture:

      A lack of awareness of specific safety practices and ethical standards makes it more likely for shortcuts to be taken and rules to be viewed as “optional” rather than mandatory.

    • Poor Compliance and Safety Efforts:

      The inconsistency in understanding between temporary and permanent employees can lead to confusion, errors and even resentment or conflict within the team.

Why Universal Compliance Training Matters

Adequate training for all staff – regardless of their contract terms – signals to employees that the company prioritizes safety and compliance. This promotes trust and confidence among employees, which in turn boosts engagement and decreases turnover.

Workers who feel high job satisfaction are more willing to follow safety and compliance procedures, creating a safer and more attractive workplace, which in turn elevates the company brand. When a company is viewed as a desirable place of employment, the organization is more likely to be productive and profitable.

Compliance Videos for Employees

While the average human attention span is 8.25 seconds, when viewing a video this number increases significantly to 120 seconds. Why do we find videos so much more engaging than text? Studies have found that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual and visuals are processed 60,000 times faster.

Visuals also generate stronger emotional reactions than text. These emotions help viewers engage with the content and create bonded memories which boost long-term information retention. It’s no surprise that learners retain 80% of what they see and only 20% of what they read.

Tyfoom takes compliance videos for employees one step further by combining the potential of video with the power of microlearning.

Compliance Videos and Microlearning

Tyfoom’s unique platform gives companies the buy-in to safety and compliance that they’re always looking for but aren’t quite sure how to get. With Tyfoom, managers can deliver clear, consistent training to all employees instantaneously through the app. Easy to film and easy to edit, these simple compliance videos for employees can be created and distributed in minutes.


All workers (regardless of employment type) receive daily 1- to 2-minute engaging compliance videos for employees. Bite-sized chunks of content make it easy for learners to consume new concepts.


Managers can curate content playlists based on individual roles so contracted and temporary workers receive any specialized training needed. Learning fits in the flow of work so employees don’t lose focus and momentum.


Video-based microlearning helps employers standardize best practices, and ensure long-term retention with bite-sized content. A consistent cadence and repetition of topics through short video content builds confidence in learners.


Using science-based techniques, Tyfoom is designed to stimulate the brain’s hippocampus through gamification, social rewards and competition. Users can quickly see their progress within the app, view achievements, track past performance, and compare their progress with others, boosting motivation, accountability, and engagement.

Build Connection and Boost Your Bottom Line

Tyfoom makes it easy for companies to build connection and boost retention with microlearning compliance videos for employees regardless of employment type. Automating compliance training with Tyfoom will increase productivity, reduce risk, prevent accidents and grow a company’s bottom line. But most importantly, automating compliance training with Tyfoom will protect the health and safety of ALL your employees.

Create trainings for your whole workforce (including contractors and temporary workers) today by scheduling a meeting to speak with a Tyfoom training consultant.